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All of the episodes are listed below.  To find a more specific topic, please use the links below to help navigate which topic you are interested in.












Joanne Shcum talks about her journey with having Cystic Fibrosis and needing a double lung transplant.  She shares the triumphs and the challenges she faced during her journey.  

22 years ago, I received my lungs
Joanne Shcum

Gray Tony talks about his journey with needing a double lung transplant due to Sarcoidosis and what it was like going through the process of transplant.  

I was supposed to get two lungs but only got one
Gray Toney

Jenny shares a little bit about her own personal transplant journey and why she decided to create this podcast.

My Journey
Jenny McFarlane

Jerry talks about his unique experience meeting his donor's family for the first time.  

Meeting my donor's family
Jerry Ray, Jr.

In this episode, Mary will talk about meeting her donor's family and what an incredible experience she had.

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Meeting my donor's family
Mary Hardy

In this episode, you will hear Holly's incredible story about getting her transplant and knowing her donor prior to her surgery.

I knew my lung transplant donor
Holly Kroeze

In this episode, you will hear Holly's incredible story about getting her transplant and knowing her donor prior to her surgery.

In this episode, you will hear Auburn's incredible story about her experience meeting her donor's family.

Meeting my donor's family
Auburn Stevens

In this episode, you will hear Auburn's incredible story about her experience meeting her donor's family.

In this episode, you will hear Linda's incredible story about getting her transplant and the challenges she faced after her surgery. 

They couldn't close my best for 3 days after my transplant
Linda Foster

This episode talks about how Hailey Williams was coming to the end of her life and was blessed with her new lungs on Christmas.  Joining Hailey in this interview is her father, Mike, who shares his experience as a father going through this process.

Hailey's Christmas Miracle
Hailey Williams
With Dad, Mike

In this episode, Pablo talks about his transplant journey and all the challenges he faced going through the process.

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My surgery took 16 hours  
Pablo Pappano

In this episode, you will hear Pamela Strong talk about getting her transplant and the challenges that came with the fact that she is would not accept blood because of her religion. 

Pamela's Bloodless Transplant
Pamela Strong

​In this episode, you will hear Pamela Strong talk about getting her transplant and the challenges that came with the fact that she is would not accept blood because of her religion. 

In this episode, you will hear Pamela Strong talk about getting her transplant and the challenges that came with the fact that she is would not accept blood because of her religion. 

I was put on the list again a few days after my transplant
David Jenkins

David Jenkins and his wife, Gina, talk about the many challenges David faced after his transplant.  One of them including Primary Graft Dysfunction. 

With Wife, Gina

In this episode, you will hear Richard's incredible story about getting his transplant and how he only had to spend 9 days in the hospital following his surgery.

I was only in the hospital for 9 days.
Richard Robbins

In this episode, you will hear Richard's incredible story about getting his transplant and how he only had to spend 9 days in the hospital following his surgery.

In this episode, you will hear Tabitha tell her amazing story about how she decided to donate her kidney to a complete stranger with the altruistic Kidney donation program.

I Donated My Kidney to a Complete Stranger
Tabitha Selvester

In this episode, Kim Johnson talks about the mental and emotional struggles she faced post-transplant and how she was able to overcome those.

Kim's post-transplant mental struggles
Kim Johnson

In this episode, Kim Johnson talks about the mental and emotional struggles she faced post transplant and how she was able to overcome those.

In this episode, you will hear from Surgeon, Dr. Gabriel Loor, who talks about COVID-19 and how it pertains to transplant recipients.  

Dr. Gabriel Loor

In this episode, Margaret shares the ups and downs she went through during her transplant process.  

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My surgery went exactly how it was supposed to go
Margaret Carfora

In this episode, Margaret shares the ups and downs she went through during her transplant process.  

In this episode, Scott shares with us his incredible journey to getting his double lung transplant.  

It took a while to figure out what was wrong with me

In this episode, Scott shares with us his incredible journey to getting his double lung transplant. 

In this episode, you will hear Karen's incredible story about getting her transplant after being on the transplant list for 6 years.

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I was on the list for 6 years
Karen Ettinger

In this episode, you will hear Karen's incredible story about getting her transplant after being on the transplant list for 6 years.

In this episode, you will hear about the challenges and obstacles that Joe Lusk had to overcome to get his transplant; one of those being death.  

I died during my transplant
Joe Lusk

In this episode, you will hear about the challenges and obstacles that Joe Lusk had to overcome to get his transplant; one of those being death.  

Dan shares with us his journey on getting his new lungs, having a stroke during transplant, and being diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at a later age.  

Transplant & Stroke & CF,    Oh My!
Dan Murphy

Dan shares with us his journey on getting his new lungs, having a stroke during transplant, and being diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at a later age.  

In part 1 of this episode, Maria talks about how she received lungs from two living donors and the challenges she had to overcome after her transplant.  

I had two living lung donors
Maria Urrechaga
Part 1

In part 1 Maria's story, she talks about how she received lungs from two living donors and the challenges she had to overcome after her transplant.  

In part 2 of Maria's story, she shares her experience with getting and surviving Covid-19.

I survived Covid-19
Maria Urrechaga
Part 2

In part 2 of Maria's story, she shares her experience with getting and surviving Covid-19.

In this episode, you will hear Nicole Volesky from the Southwest Transplant Alliance explain the organ recovery process and how to register to become a donor.

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You can save lives by doing this one thing
Nicole Volesky
Southwest Transplant Alliance

In this episode, you will hear Nicole Volesky from the Southwest Transplant Alliance explain the organ recovery process and how to register to become a donor.

In this episode, Esteban tells us about his journey from having Leukemia all the way to getting his lung transplant.

They wanted to pull the plug
Esteban Jaramillo

In this episode, Esteban tells us about his journey from having Leukemia all the way to getting his lung transplant.

In this episode, you will hear Jessica talk about living with Pulmonary Hypertension and why she has been on the transplant list for over 4 years.

4 years on the list and still waiting
Jessica DelToro

In this episode, you will hear about the challenges Steve had to overcome after receiving his first transplant, one of those being cancer.

My transplant gave me cancer
Steve Jenkins

In this episode, you will hear about the challenges Steve had to overcome after receiving his first transplant.  

 In this episode, you will hear Nikki explain how she checked herself into a psychiatric hospital to get help with her depression but instead had to deal with the medical staff not handling her care the way she needed post-transplant.

The psychiatric hospital wouldn't give me my anti-rejection meds
Nikki McDonald

In this episode, John talks about his experience with needing two liver transplants due to having  biliary atresia

Two liver transplants later and here I am
John Hoffman

In this episode, I hand the mic over to Kevin McFarlane (my husband), who takes the role of the host and interviews yours truly.  We talk a little bit about my journey over the last 2 years since my transplant.  We also talk about a very special event coming up that is important to both of us as well as many others. 

2nd Chance with special guest host
Kevin McFarlane
Guest Host

In this episode, I hand the mic over to Kevin McFarlane (my husband), who takes the role of the host and interviews yours truly.  We talk a little bit about my journey over the last 2 years since my transplant.  We also talk about a very special event coming up that is important to both of us as well as many others.

In this episode, Kristen Cowan talks about donating her 13-month old’s organs after he sadly passed away.  She talks about the wonderful things she’s doing to keep Rylen’s memory alive and shares the importance of organ donation.

We donated our 13-month old's organs
Kristen Cowan

In this episode, Kristen Cowan talks about donating her 13-month old’s organs after he sadly passed away.  She talks about the wonderful things she’s doing to keep Rylen’s memory alive and shares the importance of organ donation.

In this episode, you will hear Monica talk about her son, Jordon, who passed away not too long ago.  She talks about his decision to donate his organs and also what she is doing to honor his life.  We talk about the 2nd Chance Run and why it is important to her to participate.

I run for my son
Monica Emerson

n this episode, you will hear Monica talk about her son, Jordon, who passed away not too long ago.  She talks about his decision to donate his organs and also what she is doing to honor his life.  We talk about the 2nd Chance Run and why it is important to her to participate.

In this episode, Denise Redeker shares her story of receiving her heart transplant and the challenges that came with it.  She also shares what wonderful things she is doing to help other transplant recipients in her community.

Heartbroken to Heartfelt
Denise Redeker

In this episode, Shannon Hartley talks about receiving a cornea transplant from someone very special and how important it is to become an organ and tissue donor.  

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Someone special gave me sight
Shannon Hartley

In this episode, Eliza Bell will share her journey from being diagnosed with cardiomyopathy at an early age to receiving a heart transplant.

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Transplant chat with Eliza
Eliza Bell

The Pre to Post Transplant Podcast is celebrating its 1 year anniversary.

Happy Anniversary Pre to Post Transplant Podcast!
Jenny McFarlane

In this episode, you will hear from an incredible nurse who not only dedicated herself to helping patients with Covid, but in the middle of a crazy pandemic, decided to donate her kidney to a 1-year old little boy.

Nursing, Covid, and Donating a Kidney - A Superhero's Story
Taylor Pikkarainen

In this episode, Patty Scott talks about going through two liver transplants and overcoming major hurdles along the way.  She also gives us some great behind-the-scene details about writing her book titled "Resilience", and explains the benefits that transplant recipients will get out of reading it. 

Resiliently Conquering Two Liver Transplants
Dr. Patricia J. Scott

In this episode, you will hear Brandon Mouw talk about his journey with having type I Diabetes, and because of a kidney stone, his condition turned into what is called Brittle Diabetes.  He talks about his struggles with that and going through his pancreas transplant, all the while, having to fundraise to pay for his own transplant. 

I Had to Pay Out of Pocket for my Pancreas Transplant
Brandon Mouw

In Part 1 of Sandy Driste MacDonald's journey, she talks about being in chronic rejection for 18 years and her experiences that have come with that.  

I have been in Chronic Rejection for 18 years 
Sandy Driste MacDonald
Part 1

Celina Medina talks about her journey with both of her kidney transplants and what it was like having her brother donating his kidney to her.  

My brother is my hero
Celina Medina

In this episode, Greg talks about his experience with being a caregiver for his wife, Melanie, who underwent both a double lung transplant and kidney transplant.  He explains his role as a caregiver both pre and post-transplant.

Just being the best caregiver I can be
Greg Ortega

In this episode, Greg talks about his experience with being a caregiver for his wife, Melanie, who underwent both a double lung transplant and kidney transplant.  He explains his role as a caregiver both pre and post-transplant.

In this episode you will hear Rod Spadinger talk about his transplant journey, receiving a double lung and liver transplant.  He shares his experiences in getting a transplant and also the amazing things he's done since then.  

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Rod Spadinger

​In this episode you will hear Rod Spadinger talk about his transplant journey, receiving a double lung and liver transplant.  He shares his experiences in getting a transplant and also the amazing things he's done since then.  

In Part 2 of Sandy's story, she talks about how she got pregnant 3 weeks after her transplant and how she managed having a baby and maintain her health at the same time.

I got pregnant 3 weeks after my transplant 
Sandy Driste MacDonald
Part 2

In this episode, you will hear Jillian tell us about the experiences she had with her brother, Myles, who has Cystic Frobisis, been through 3 transplants, and is needing a fourth.

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My brother needs a fourth transplant
Jillian Lynch

In this episode, you will hear Jillian tell us about the experiences she had with her brother, Myles, who has Cystic Frobisis, been through 3 transplants, and is needing a fourth. 

Sarah - double lung recipient -  talks about her experience with getting the fundoplication surgery and the complications that came with it. 

I regret getting the fundoplication surgery
Sarah Donoughue

Aeisha Reese shares her experience with her intestines transplant and how she managed to live without her intestines for 3 years, all the while living a full and active life.  

I lived without my intestines for 3 years
Aeisha Reese

In this episode, Eileen talks about her experience of going through a transplant because of using IV drugs and ultimately getting hepatitis C because of it.  

Because of IV drug use, I almost died waiting for my transplant
Eileen Wagner

In this episode, Paul shares his journey of needing a heart transplant after overcoming challenges his whole life, including being born with half a heart.  Paul is an award-winning musician and talks about the inspiration and peace music brought him throughout his transplant process.

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I was born with half a heart
Paul Cardall

The Pre to Post Transplant Podcast is celebrating its 50th episode by looking back at some advice given by previous guests. 

Celebrating 50 Episodes! What's your advice?
Pre To Post Podcast
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